Elu­ci­da­tion of cell sub­sets in pathogen-​induced VAT-​inflammation and their role in onset of IR and GI

To accom­plish research objec­tive 2, we will make use of genet­i­cally mod­i­fied mice.
These include mice that lack acti­vat­ing immune-​cell recep­tors (NKG2D, NKp46, Ly49, TNF-​R), pro-​inflammatory pro­teins (IFNα –β or –γ, per­forin, granzyme A/​B), T cells, B cells or both (JHT-/​-​, TCRα-/​-​, SCID).

Our genetic mod­els will be com­bined with ‘stan­dard’ immuno­log­i­cal mod­els (adop­tive trans­fers, bone mar­row chimeras, anti­body deple­tion, etc.).