Prof. Bojan Polić, MD, PhD

Cur­ricu­lum Vitae


Office Address: Depart­ment of His­tol­ogy and Embryology

Fac­ulty of Med­i­cine, Uni­ver­sity of Rijeka

B. Branchetta 20

51000 Rijeka, Croa­tia

Tele­phone: +385 51 651 171

Cel­lu­lar: +385 91 508 6976

Fax: +385 51 651 176

Date/​Place of Birth: August 1st , 1964, Rijeka, Croa­tia


Since 2008 Vice Dean for Research and PhD Pro­gram of the Fac­ulty of Med­i­cine Uni­ver­sity of


Since 2008 Full Pro­fes­sor at the Fac­ulty of Med­i­cine Uni­ver­sity of Rijeka;

Since 2004 Guest-​Professor and Chair at the Depart­ment of Cell Biol­ogy and Genetics,

Fac­ulty of Med­i­cine Uni­ver­sity of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Since 2003 Head of the Lab­o­ra­tory Mice Breed­ing and Engi­neer­ing Cen­tre Rijeka (LAMRI)

20032008 Asso­ciate Pro­fes­sor at the Depart­ment of His­tol­ogy and Embry­ol­ogy, Fac­ulty of

Med­i­cine Uni­ver­sity of Rijeka

20012003 Coor­di­na­tor of the Ph.D. pro­gram “Bio­med­i­cine” at the Fac­ulty of Med­i­cine Uni­ver­sity of Rijeka;

20002003 Assis­tant Pro­fes­sor at the Depart­ment of His­tol­ogy and Embry­ol­ogy, Fac­ulty of

Med­i­cine Uni­ver­sity of Rijeka

19972001 Post­doc­toral fel­low in the group of Prof. Klaus Rajew­sky, Insti­tute for Genetics,

Uni­ver­sity of Cologne, Germany

1996 PhD the­sis, Fac­ulty of Med­i­cine Uni­ver­sity of Rijeka

19962000 Assis­tant at the Depart­ment of His­tol­ogy and Embry­ol­ogy, Fac­ulty of Medicine

Uni­ver­sity of Rijeka

1992 Mas­ter Degree, Fac­ulty of Med­i­cine Uni­ver­sity of Rijeka

19911996 Assis­tant at the Depart­ment of Phys­i­ol­ogy and Immunol­ogy, Fac­ulty of Medicine

Uni­ver­sity of Rijeka

1990 Intern­ship – Clin­i­cal Hos­pi­tal Cen­tre Rijeka

19841989 Study of Med­i­cine, Fac­ulty of Med­i­cine Uni­ver­sity of Rijeka


2012 Award of the Croa­t­ian Acad­emy of Sci­ences and Arts

2005 Acknowl­edge­ment of the Fac­ulty of Med­i­cine Uni­ver­sity of Rijeka

2005 Award of the Com­mune Čavle

2002 Croa­t­ian State Award for Sci­ence

19881999 Fel­low­ship Alexan­der von Humboldt


Fron­tiers in NK-​Cell Biology


Croa­t­ian Immuno­log­i­cal Soci­ety, president

Croa­t­ian Soci­ety for Bio­chem­istry and Mol­e­c­u­lar Biology

Croa­t­ian Soci­ety for Anatomy, His­tol­ogy and Embryology

Croa­t­ian Soci­ety for Sci­ence on Lab­o­ra­tory Animals

Croa­t­ian Hum­boldt Club

Soci­ety for Nat­ural Immu­nity (SNI)

Euro­pean Asso­ci­a­tion for Study of Dia­betes (EASD)

Amer­i­can Asso­ci­a­tion of Immu­nol­o­gists (AAI)


Mem­ber of the local orga­niz­ing com­mit­tee of inter­na­tional meet­ings “Alps-​Adria Immunol­ogy and Aller­gol­ogy Meet­ing” Opatija 1990. & 1994., Croatia

Mem­ber of the Sci­en­tific board and Orga­niz­ing Com­mit­tee of Annual Meet­ings of the Croa­t­ian Immuno­log­i­cal Soci­ety in 2002., 2003., 2004., 2005., 2007., 2008., 2009., 2010., 2011. and 2012., Croatia

Mem­ber of the Orga­niz­ing Com­mit­tee and Local Orga­nizer of the 14. FEBS Inter­na­tional Sum­mer School on Immunol­ogy: “Immune sys­tem: genes, recep­tors and reg­u­la­tion”, Sep­tem­ber 2007., Hvar, Croatia

Mem­ber of the Orga­niz­ing Com­mit­tee and Local Orga­nizer of the15. FEBS Inter­na­tional Sum­mer School on Immunol­ogy: “Immune sys­tem: genes, recep­tors and reg­u­la­tion”, Sep­tem­ber 2009., Hvar, Croatia

Meme­ber of the Orga­niz­ing Com­mit­tee of the 12th Meet­ing of the Soci­ety for Nat­ural Immu­nity (NK2010), Sep­tem­ber 2010, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Mem­ber of the Orga­niz­ing Com­mit­tee and Local Orga­nizer of the 16. FEBS Inter­na­tional Sum­mer School on Immunol­ogy: “Immune sys­tem: genes, recep­tors and reg­u­la­tion”, Sep­tem­ber 2011., Hvar, Croatia

Mem­ber of the Sci­en­tific board of the “3rd Euro­pean Con­gress of Immunol­ogy” ECI 2012, Sep­tem­ber 2012, Glas­gow, UK

Pres­i­dent of the Orga­niz­ing Com­mit­tee of the 2nd Meet­ing of Middle-​European Soci­eties for Immunol­ogy and Aller­gol­ogy, Octo­ber 2013, Opatija, Croatia

Mem­ber of the Orga­niz­ing Com­mit­tee and Local Orga­nizer of 17. FEBS Inter­na­tional Sum­mer School on Immunol­ogy: “Immune sys­tem: genes, recep­tors and reg­u­la­tion”, Sep­tem­ber 2013., Rabac, Croatia


Biol­ogy of T and NK cells, Immu­nity to viral infec­tions, Immune mech­a­nisms in the devel­op­ment of Dia­betes Mel­li­tus type 2, Mouse genetics


Ad Hoc reviewer for the fol­low­ing Journals:


Inter­na­tional Jour­nal of Can­cer Research

Croa­t­ian Med­ical Journal

Fron­tiers of NK-​Cell Biology


Min­istry of Sci­ence, Edu­ca­tion and Sports

The Croa­t­ian National Foun­da­tion for Sci­ence, Higher Edu­ca­tion and Tech­no­log­i­cal Development,


EU Com­mis­sion, Frame­work Pro­gram 7

Croa­t­ian – Israeli Fund


1 PI on Croa­t­ian grants (Min­istry of Sci­ence, Edu­ca­tion and Sports (MZOS), Croa­t­ian Sci­en­tific Foun­da­tion (HRZZ)):

1997. – 2002. Sup­port for young sci­en­tists “Quan­ti­ta­tive PCR in research of cytomegalovirus latency“ (006238), Croa­t­ian Min­istry of Science.

20012005. Tech­no­log­i­cal grant „Manip­u­lat­ing of mouse genes in vivo“ (TP0062/​01), Croa­t­ian Min­istry of Sci­ence, Granted: 200.000

20022006. Research grant „Pro­duc­tion and char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of mouse mutants for NKG2A and NKG2D“ (0062005), Croa­t­ian Min­istry of Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy, Granted: 100.000

2006. – 2009. Devel­op­men­tal grant „Devel­op­ment of a bio­log­i­cal sys­tem for prouc­tion of biotiny­lated mon­o­clonal anti­bod­ies“ (0204 NZZ), pro­gram „Part­ner­ship in research“ National Sci­en­tific Foun­da­tion, Granted: 120.000

2007 2013. Research grant „ The role of NKG2D in the devel­op­ment, home­osta­sis and effec­tor func­tions of the immune sys­tem“ (06206212611271), MZOS, Granted: 100.000

Col­lab­o­ra­tor on Croa­t­ian grants:

1991. – 1996. Research grant “Mech­a­nisms of immuno­sur­veil­lance of cytomegalovirus infec­tion (pro­jekt 301169) Croa­t­ian Min­istry of Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy, PI– Sti­pan Jonjić

1996. – 2002. Research grant “Con­struc­tion and bio­log­i­cal char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of mouse cytomegalovirus dele­tion mutants“ (006204),Croatian Min­istry of Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy PI-​Stipan Jonjić

1996. – 2002. Research grant “Immuno­bi­ol­ogy of peri­nathal cytomegalovirus infec­tion“ (006205) Croa­t­ian Min­istry of Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy, PI – Astrid Krmoptić

2002. – 2006. Research grant “The role of immuno­sub­ver­sive cytomegalovirus genes in the immuno­sur­veil­lance of latent infec­tion“ (0062007), Croa­t­ian Min­istry of Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy, PI– Sti­pan Jonjić

2007. – 2012. Research grant „The role of immuno­sub­ver­sive cytomegalovirus genes in latency“ (06206212611268), Croa­t­ian Min­istry of Sci­ence, Edu­ca­tion and Sports, PI– Sti­pan Jonjić

2007.- 2010. Devel­op­men­tal grant „The devel­op­ment of a model for theray of viral infec­tions by bridge­ing of innate and adap­tive immu­nity with spe­cific fusion pro­teins“ pro­gram „Part­ner­ship in research“ Croa­t­ian Sci­en­tific Foun­da­tion, PI – Sti­pan Jonjić

PI on inter­na­tional research grants:

1998. – 1999. Alexan­der von Hum­boldt Fel­low­ship, Alexan­der von Hum­boldt Foun­da­tion, Bonn Ger­many (salery for BP + insta­la­tion grant of 20.000 €)

2005. – 2010. Part­ner on EU FP-​6 CA grant „A Euro­pean Infra­struc­ture of Lig­and Bind­ing Mol­e­cules Against the Human Pro­teome” (Akro­nym: Pro­teome­Binders, Con­tract No.:026008), coor­di­na­tor: Prof.dr. Mike Taus­sig, Babra­ham Insti­tute, Cam­bridge, UK, Granted: in total 1.500.000 €, 25.000 € for MEDRI

2009. 2010. Co-​PI on Croatian-​Israeli research grant „Impact of NKG2D-​deficiency on the Immuno­sur­veil­lance of Cytomegalovirus and West Nile Virus Infec­tions” ; Israeli Co-​PI: prof.dr. Angel Por­gador, The Shraga Segal Depart­ment of Micro­bi­ol­ogy and Immunol­ogy and the National Insti­tute for Biotech­nol­ogy in the Negev, Ben Gurion Uni­ver­sity of the Negev., Granted: 50.000 $

2010.2013. (June) Coor­di­na­tor of EU FP7 Regpot-​20105 grant „Upgrad­ing the capac­i­ties for research in trans­la­tional med­i­cine at the Fac­ulty of Med­i­cine Uni­ver­sity of Rijeka“ (Acronym: Trans­MedRi, Con­tract No.:256686), Granted: 1.850.000

2011. – 2013. Coor­di­na­tor of the EU FP7 People-​2010-​IEF grant „NKG2D in T-​cells — Mem­ory Con­trol; The role of NKG2D and the T-​cell recep­tor in mem­ory T cell biol­ogy“ (Acronym: NKG2D and T cells, No: 274995, Granted: 178.000 €), post­doc­toral train­ing: Dr. Felix M. Wensveen

2013. - PI of the Hori­zon — Euro­pean Foun­da­tion for Study of Dia­betes (EFSD) grant – „Fat Killers: The role of Nat­ural Killer cells in the devel­op­ment of Dia­betes Mel­li­tus type 2

2013.PI of the Unity through Knowl­edge (UKF) grant „The role of pathogen-​driven inflam­ma­tion of vis­ceral adi­pose tis­sue in the devel­op­ment of Dia­betes Mel­li­tus type II“; Co-​PI: Livija Deban, King’s Col­lege /​London Research Institute/​Can­cer Research UK, Lon­don, UK

Col­lab­o­ra­tor on inter­na­tional grants:

1995. – 1997. Research grant “Immuno­sur­veil­lance of Cytomegalovirus Latency” Croatian-​American Grant, PI– Sti­pan Jonjić

1998. – 2001. Pro­gram grant SFB 243, DFG, Uni­ver­sity of Cologne, Ger­many – Prof. Klaus Rajewsky

2005. — 2008. EU FP-​6 INCO-​WBC-​SSA3 grant „The estab­lish­ment of the cen­ter for the high-​throughput mon­o­clonal anti­body pro­duc­tion and hybridoma bank“, Granted: 300.000 €, PI – Sti­pan Jonjić

2009. - 2012. EU FP-​7 Regpot-​20081 grant “The Cen­tre for Anti­body Pro­duc­tion Rijeka: Upgrad­ing the Cen­tral Research and Ser­vice Infra­struc­ture for the South-​Eastern Region of Europe”; Grant agree­ment No. 229585, Granted: 670.000 €, PI – Sti­pan Jonjić

PUB­LI­CA­TIONS (20131992)

1. Trsan T, Busche A, Abram M, Wensveen FM, Lem­mer­mann NA, Ara­povic M, Babic M, Tomic A, Golemac M, Brinkmann MM, Jäger W, Oxe­nius A, Polic B, Krm­potic A, Messerle M, Jon­jic S. (2013) Supe­rior induc­tion and main­te­nance of pro­tec­tive CD8 T cells in mice infected with mouse cytomegalovirus vec­tor express­ing RAE-​1γ. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110:165505. (IF-9.90, Q1, Times Cited: 0)

2. Wensveen FM, Lenar­tić M, Jelenčić V, Lem­mer­mann NAW, ten Brinke A, Jon­jić S, and Polić B (2013) NKG2D Induces Mcl-​1 Expres­sion and Medi­ates Sur­vival of CD8 Mem­ory T Cell Pre­cur­sors via Phos­phatidyli­nos­i­tol 3-​Kinase. J Immunol. 191:130715. (IF5.520, Q1, Times Cited: 0)

3. Vahl JC, Heger K, Knies N, Hein MY, Boon L, Yagita H, Polic B, Schmidt-​Supprian M (2013) NKT Cell-​TCR Expres­sion Acti­vates Con­ven­tional T Cells in Vivo, but is Largely Dis­pens­able for Mature NKT Cell Biol­ogy. PLOS Biol­ogy, June, Vol­ume 11, Issue 6, e1001589 (IF12.690, Q1, Times Cited: 0)

4. Mishra R, Polic B, Welsh RM, Szomolanyi-​Tsuda E. (2013) Inflam­ma­tory Cytokine-​Mediated Eva­sion of Virus-​Induced Tumors from NK Cell Con­trol. J. Immunol. 191:96170. (IF5.520, Q1, Times Cited: 0)

5. Cheney EE, Wise EL, Bui JD, Schreiber RD, Carayannopou­los LN, Spitzer D, Zafirova B, Polic B, Shaw AS, Markiewicz MA. (2012) A dual func­tion of NKG2D lig­ands in NK-​cell acti­va­tion. Eur. J. Immunol. 42:24522458 (IF4.970, Q1, Times Cited: 1)

6. Zloza A, Kohlhapp FJ, Lyons GE, Schenkel JM, Moore TV, Lacek AT, O’Sullivan JA, Varanasi V, Williams JW, Jagoda MC, Bella­vance EC, Marzo AL, Thomas PG, Zafirova B, Polić B, Al-​Harthi L, Sper­ling AI and Guevara-​Patiño JA. (2012) NKG2D sig­nal­ing on CD8(+) T cells represses T-​bet and res­cues CD4-​unhelped CD8(+) T cell mem­ory recall but not effec­tor responses. Nature Med­i­cine, 18:422428 (IF27.887, Q1, Times Cited: 2)

7. Strid J., Sobolev O, Zafirova B, Polić B, Hay­day A (2011) The intraep­ithe­lial T cell response to NKG2D-​ligands links lym­phoid stress-​surveillance to atopy. Sci­ence 334:12931297 (IF31.777, Q1, Times Cited: 15)

8. Markiewicz MA, Wise EL, Buch­wald ZS, Pinto AK, ZafirovaB, Polić B and Shaw AS (2012) Antigen-​independent recruit­ment of CTL to pan­cre­atic islets express­ing an NKG2D lig­and. Immu­nity, 36:132141 (IF-24.221, Q1, Times Cited: 3)

9. Zafirova B, Wensveen FM, Gulin M, Polić B. (2011) Reg­u­la­tion of immune cell func­tion and dif­fer­en­ti­a­tion by the NKG2D recep­tor. Cell Mol Life Sci 68:351929 (IF7.047, Q1, Times Cited: 18)

10. Soderquest K, Walzer T, Zafirova B, Klavin­skis LS, Polic B, Vivier E, Lord GM, Martín-​Fontecha A. (2011) Cut­ting Edge: CD8+ T Cell Prim­ing in the Absence of NK Cells Leads to Enhanced Mem­ory Responses. J Immunol. 186:33048 (IF5.909, Q1, Times Cited: 20)

11. Bourbeil­lon J, Orchard S, Ben­har I, Bor­re­baeck C, de Daru­var A, Dübel S, Frank R, Gib­son F, Glo­riam D, Haslam N, Hiltker T, Humphrey-​Smith I, Hust M, Juncker D, Koegl M, Kon­thur Z, Korn B, Kro­bitsch S, Muyl­der­mans S, Nygren PA, Palcy S, Polic B, Rodriguez H, Sawyer A, Schlap­shy M, Sny­der M, Sto­evesandt O, Taus­sig MJ, Tem­plin M, Uhlen M, van der Maarel S, Wingren C, Her­m­jakob H, Sher­man D. (2010) Min­i­mum infor­ma­tion about a pro­tein affin­ity reagent (MIA­PAR). Nature Biotech­nol­ogy 28:650653 (IF29,495, Q1, Times Cited: 6)

12. Zafirova B, Man­darić S, Antulov R, Krm­potić A, Jon­s­son H, Yokoyama WM, Jon­jić S, Polić B. (2009) Altered NK cell devel­op­ment and enhanced NK cell-​mediated resis­tance to mouse cytomegalovirus in NKG2D-​deficient mice. Immu­nity 31:270282 (IF20,579, Q1, Times Cited: 28)

13. Ara­povic J, Lenac T, Antulov R, Polic B, Ruzsics Z, Carayannopou­los LN, Koszi­nowski UH, Krm­potic A, Jon­jic S. (2009) Dif­fer­en­tial sus­cep­ti­bil­ity of RAE-​1 iso­forms to mouse cytomegalovirus. J. Virol. 83:81988207 (IF5,3, Q1, Times Cited: 14)

14. Jon­jić S, Polić B, Krm­potić A. (2008) Viral inhibitors of NKG2D lig­ands: friends or foes of immune sur­veil­lance? Eur. J. Immunol. 38:29522956 (IF-4,662, Q1, Times Cited: 13)

15. Jon­jić S, Babić M, Polić B, Krm­potić A. (2008) Immune eva­sion of nat­ural killer cells by viruses. Cur­rent Opin­ion in Immunol­ogy 20:3038 (IF9,422, Q1, Times Cited: 72)

16. Taus­sig MJ, Sto­evesandt O, Bor­re­baeck CA, Brad­bury AR, Cahill D, Cam­bil­lau C, de Daru­var A, Dübel S, Eich­ler J, Frank R, Gib­son TJ, Glo­riam D, Gold L, Her­berg FW, Her­m­jakob H, Hoheisel JD, Joos TO, Kallion­iemi O, Koegl M, Kon­thur Z, Korn B, Krem­mer E, Kro­bitsch S, Lan­de­gren U, van der Maarel S, McCaf­ferty J, Muyl­der­mans S, Nygren PA, Palcy S, Plück­thun A, Polic B, Przy­byl­ski M, Savi­ranta P, Sawyer A, Sher­man DJ, Skerra A, Tem­plin M, Ueff­ing M, Uhlén M. (2007) Pro­teome­Binders: plan­ning a Euro­pean resource of affin­ity reagents for analy­sis of the human pro­teome. Nature Meth­ods 4:1317 (IF14,959, Q1, Times Cited:137)

17. Buch T., Polic B., Clausen BE., Weiss S., Akilli-​Ozturk O., Chang CH, Flavell R., Schulz A., Jon­jic S., Wais­man A. and Forster I (2006) MHC class II expres­sion through a hith­erto unknown path­way sup­ports T helper cell depen­dent immune responses: impli­ca­tions for MHC class II defi­ciency. Blood, 107:43444. (IF10,370, Q1, Times Cited: 3)

18. A. Krm­potić, M. Hasan, A. Loewen­dorf, T. Saulig, A. Hale­nius, T. Lenac, B. Polic, I. Bubic, A. Kriegsko­rte, E. Pernjak-​Pugel, M. Messerle, H. Hen­gel, D.H. Busch, U.H. Koszi­nowski and S. Jon­jic (2005) NK cell acti­va­tion through the NKG2D lig­and MULT-​1 is selec­tively pre­vented by the gly­co­pro­tein encoded by mouse cytomegalovirus gene m145. J. Exp. Med. 201:21120 (IF15,83, Q1, Times Cited: 80)

19. A.Krm­potic, I. Bubic, B. Polic, P. Lucin and S. Jon­jic (2003) Patho­gen­e­sis of murine cytomegalovirus infec­tion. Microbes Infect. 5:126377. (IF3,026, Q1, Times Cited: 95)

20. Hasan M., Polic B., Bralic M., Jon­jic S.and Rajew­sky K. (2002) Incom­plete block of B cell devel­op­ment and immunoglob­u­lin pro­duc­tion in mice car­ry­ing the mMT muta­tion on the BALB/​c back­ground. Eur. J. Immunol. 32:346371. (IF4,832, Q1, Times Cited:41 )

21. Polic B., Kunkel D., Schef­fold A., and Rajew­sky K. (2001) How alpha beta T cells deal with induced TCRal­pha abla­tion. Proc. Natl. Aacad. Sci. USA 98:87448749. (IF10,70, Q1, Times Cited: 143)

22. Trgov­cich J, Sti­mac D, Polic B, Krm­potic A, Pernjak-​Pugel E, Tomac J, Hasan M, Wraber B, Jon­jic S. (2000) Immune responses and cytokine induc­tion in the devel­op­ment of severe hepati­tis dur­ing acute infec­tions with murine cytomegalovirus. Arch. Virol. 145:260118. (IF1,967, Q2, Times Cited:18)

23. Krm­potic A., Messerle M., Crnkovic-​Mertens I., Polić B., Jon­jić S. and Koszi­nowski U.H.. (1999). The Immu­no­eva­sive Func­tion Encoded by the Mouse Cytomegalovirus Gene m152 Pro­tects the Virus Against T Cell Con­trol in Vivo. J. Exp. Med. 190:128596. (IF15,83, Q1, Times Cited: 79)

24. Polic B., Hen­gel H., Krm­potic A., Trgovchich J., Pavic I., Lucin P., Jon­jic S. and Koszi­nowski U.H.. (1998). Hier­ar­chi­cal and Redun­dant Lym­pho­cyte Sub­set Con­trol Pre­cludes Cytomegalovirus Repli­ca­tion dur­ing Latent Infec­tion. J. Exp. Med. 188:10471054. (IF15,83, Q1, Times Cited: 198)

25. Polic B. ‚ Jon­jic S., Pavic I., Crnkovic I., Zor­ica I., Hen­gel H., Lucin P., and Koszi­nowski U. H.. (1996). Lack of MHC class I com­plex expres­sion has no effect on spread and con­trol of cytomegalovirus infec­tion in vivo. J. Gen. Virol. 77:217225. (IF3,30, Q2, Times Cited:44)

26. Polic B., Jon­jic S., Pavic I., Crnkovic I., Zor­ica I., Hen­gel H., Kucic N., Lucin P., and Koszi­nowski U.H.. (1995). Con­trol of cytomegalovirus infec­tion in MHC class I defi­cient mice. Scand. J. Infect. Dis. 99:5253. (IF1,003)

27. Radosevic-​Stasic B., Trobon­jaca Z., Lucin P., Cuk M., Polic B., Rukav­ina D. and Efen­dic S. (1995) Immuno­sup­pres­sive and antipro­lif­er­a­tive effects of somato­statin ana­log SMS 201995. Intern. J. Neu­ro­science 81:283297. (IF1,205)

28. Lučin P., Jon­jić S., Hen­gel H., Pavić I., Polić B., Crnković I., Thale R., Zor­ica I., and Koszi­nowski U.H.. (1994). Cytomegalovirus per­sis­tence in sali­vary glands by eva­sion from immuno­log­i­cal con­trol. Regional Immunol­ogy 6:391396.

29. Jon­jic S., Pavic I., Polic B., Crnkovic I., Lucin P., and Koszi­nowski U.H. (1994). Anti­bod­ies are not essen­tial for the res­o­lu­tion of pri­mary cytomegalovirus infec­tion but limit dis­sem­i­na­tion of recur­rent virus. J. Exp. Med. 179:17131717. (IF15,83, Q1, Times Cited:149)

30. Lucin P., Jon­jic S., Messerle M., Polic B., Hen­gel H. and Koszi­nowski U.H. (1994) Late phase inhi­bi­tion of murine cytomegalovirus repli­ca­tion hy syn­er­gis­tic action of interferon-​gamma and tumour necro­sis fac­tor. J. Gen. Virol.75:101110. (IF3,300, Q2, Times Cited: 118)

31. Polic. B., Pavic I., Crnkovic I., Lucin P., Trobon­jaca Z., and Jon­jic S. (1993). The Role of CD4+ and CD8+ T Lym­pho­cytes in Viral Immu­nity. Cro. Med. J. 34(4):294300. (IF0,710)

32. Pavic I., Polic B., Crnkovic I., Lucin P., Jon­jic S., and Koszi­nowski U.H. (1993). Par­tic­i­pa­tion of Endoge­nous Tumor Necro­sis Fac­tor Alpha in Host Resis­tance to Cytomegalovirus Infec­tion. J. Gen. Virol. 74:22152223 (IF3,300, Q2, Times Cited: 81)

33. Lucin P., Polic B., Crnkovic I., Lucin K., Rukav­ina D. and Jon­jic S. (1992) Involv­ment of CD4+ T lym­pho­cytes and macrophages in low-​dose streptozotocin-​induced dia­betes in CBA mice. Cro. Med. J. 33(1):916. (IF0,710)

34. Lucin P., Pavic I., Polic B., Jon­jic S., and U.H. Koszi­nowski (1992). Gamma interferon‑dependent clear­ance of cytomegalovirus infec­tion in sali­vary glands. J. Virol., 66:19771984. (IF5,241, Q1, Times Cited:174)

Car­rier best publications:

· Wensveen FM, Lenar­tić M, Jelenčić V, Lem­mer­mann NAW, ten Brinke A, Jon­jić S, and Polić B (2013) NKG2D Induces Mcl-​1 Expres­sion and Medi­ates Sur­vival of CD8 Mem­ory T Cell Pre­cur­sors via Phos­phatidyli­nos­i­tol 3-​Kinase. J Immunol. 191:130715.

· Strid J., Sobolev O, Zafirova B, Polić B, Hay­day A (2011) The intraep­ithe­lial T cell response to NKG2D-​ligands links lym­phoid stress-​surveillance to atopy. Sci­ence 334:12931297

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1. Cekinović Đurđica; Slavuljica Irena; Lenac Tihana; Krm­potić Astrid; Polić Bojan; Jon­jić Sti­pan. Innate Immu­nity to Mouse Cytomegalovirus /​/​National Insti­tute of Allergy and Infec­tious Dis­eases, NIH: Fron­tiers in Research /​Georgiev, Vas­sil (ur.).

Totowa : The Humana Press Inc, 2008. Str. 127149.


Nives Štan­felj, Grad­u­ate the­sis, 1995.

Ivan Dašek, Grad­u­ate the­sis, 2005.

Jas­mina Pro­dan, Grad­u­ate the­sis, 2005.

Alen Braut, PhD the­sis, 2006.

Anita Kosić, Grad­u­ate the­sis, 2007.

Marko Lapat, Grad­u­ate the­sis, 2008.

Bil­jana Zafirova, PhD the­sis, 2010. (cur­rently Post­doc­toral Fel­low at Isti­tute Pas­teur, Paris,

Fel­low­ships: Marie Curie IEF, EMBO, Lui Pas­teur and FEBS)

Dr​.sc. Felix M. Wensveen, post­doc­toral fel­low from The Nether­lands, Marie Curie IEF fel­low­ship 20102013

Maja Lenar­tić, PhD stu­dent 2010

Vedrana Jelenčić, PhD stu­dent 2010

Sonja Valen­tić, PhD stu­dent 2013

Marko Šes­tan, PhD stu­dent 2013


  1. Novem­ber 2002.- Ple­nary lec­ture “Immuno­sur­veil­lance of latent cytomegalovirus infec­tion”, 3rd Kon­gres of Croa­t­ian Infec­tol­o­gists with inter­na­tional par­tic­i­pa­tion, Dubrovnik, Croatia
  2. Sep­tem­ber 2002.- Lec­turer and insturctor of inter­na­tional EMBO course “Anatomy and Embry­ol­ogy of the Mouse”, Zagreb, Croatia
  3. Octo­ber 2004.- Lec­turer and instruc­tor of inter­na­tional EMBO course “Anatomy and Embry­ol­ogy of the Mouse”, Zagrebu, Croatia
  4. April 2006.- Invited lec­ture „Eva­sion of NK cell con­trol by murine cytomegalovirus“ Colo­quium on Immunol­ogy, SFB 466 Pro­gram, Johannes Guten­berg Uni­ver­sity, Mainz, Ger­many, Hosts: Prof. dr. Ari Waisman/Prof.dr. M. Reddehase
  5. Octo­ber 2006.- Lec­turer and insturctor of inter­na­tional EMBO course “Anatomy and Embry­ol­ogy of the Mouse”, Zagreb, Croatia
  6. April 2008.- Invited lec­ture „Impaired NK cell devel­omp­ment and enhanced NK cell medi­ated immuno­sur­veil­lance of MCMV in NKG2D k.o. mice“ Colo­quium on Immunol­ogy, SFB 620 Pro­gram, Uni­ver­sity of Freiburg, Ger­many, Host: Prof. dr. Michael Reth/​Prof.dr. Andreas Diefenbach
  7. May 2008.- Invited lec­ture „The devel­op­ment and func­tional changes of NK cells in NKG2D k.o. mice“ Colo­quium on Immunol­ogy, SFB 685 Pro­gram, Uni­ver­sity of Tue­bin­gen, Ger­many, Host: Prof. dr. Alexan­der Steinle
  8. Sep­tem­ber 2008. – Ple­nary lec­ture „NKG2D: A mas­ter reg­u­la­tor of NK cell devel­op­ment?“, Annual Meet­ing of Croa­t­ian Immuno­log­i­cal Soci­ety, Šibenik, Croatia
  9. Octo­ber 2008. – Invited lec­ture „Altered NK cell devel­op­ment and enhanced NK cell medi­ated immuno­sur­veil­lance of MCMV in NKG2D k.o. mice“, School of Bio­log­i­cal Sci­ences, Nanyang Tech­no­log­i­cal Uni­ver­sity (NTU), Sin­ga­pore, Host: Prof.dr. Klaus Karjalainen
  10. June 2009. – Invited lec­ture „The role of NKG2D in home­osta­sis and effec­tor func­tions of NK cells“, 1st Inter­na­tional Sym­po­sium of the Research Unit 729, Anti-​infectious effec­tor pro­grams, Kar­di­nal Schulte Haus, Ber­gisch Glad­bach, Ger­many, 11th13th June 2009., Host: Prof. dr. Klaus Pfeffer
  11. June 2009. – Invited lec­ture „NKG2D: mas­ter reg­u­la­tor of NK cell devel­op­ment and home­osta­sis?, HHMI Inter­na­tional Prac­ti­cal Course: Viral Sub­ver­sion of the Immune Sys­tem, Rijeka, Croatia
  12. Novem­ber 2009. – Ple­nary lec­ture „Dual role of NKG2D of NKG2D in NK cell phys­i­ol­ogy“, Nat­ural Killer Cell Sym­po­sium – NK2009, Freiburg, Ger­many, 4th6th Novem­ber 2009
  13. May 2010. – Invited lec­ture „NKG2D in NK cell phys­i­ol­ogy: Two sides of the same player“, Depart­ment of Pahol­ogy, Uni­ver­sity of Cam­bridge, UK, Host: Dr. Francesco Colucci (British Soci­ety of Immunology)
  14. July 2010. – Invited lec­ture „NKG2D in NK cell phys­i­ol­ogy: Two sides oft he same player“, Insti­tute of micro­bi­ol­ogy, immunol­ogy and hygiene, Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­sity of Munich (TUM), Munich, Ger­many, Host: Prof. dr. Dirk Busch
  15. Sep­tem­ber 2010. — Lec­turer and insturctor of inter­na­tional EMBO course “Anatomy and Embry­ol­ogy of the Mouse”, Split, Croatia
  16. March 2011. – Invited lec­tures on Advance course for PhD stu­dents „Mol­e­c­u­lar Immunol­ogy“: „NK cells in viral infec­tions and tumors“ i „NKG2D recep­tor: Two sides of the same player“, Depart­ment of Immunol­ogy, Eras­mus MC Uni­ver­sity of Rot­ter­dam, The Netherlands
  17. Sep­tem­ber 2011. – Invited lec­ture „The bio­log­i­cal role of NKG2D in innate immu­nity“ na 16th FEBS Sum­mer School on Immunol­ogy „Immune sys­tem: genes, recep­tors and reg­u­la­tion“, Hvar, Croatia
  18. Sep­tem­ber 2011. – Invited lec­ture „The bio­log­i­cal role of NKG2D in T cells“ na Vet­eri­nary Uni­ver­sity of Vienna, Vienna, Aus­tria. Hosts: prof. Veronika Sexl/​prof. Matthias Mueller
  19. Sep­tem­ber 2012. – Ple­nary lec­ture „The bio­log­i­cal roles of NKG2D in innate and adap­tive immu­nity“, 4. EFIS-​EJI South East­ern Euro­pean Immunol­ogy School (SEEIS 2012), Igman, Sara­jevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Dr. Wayne Yokoyama, Wash­ing­ton Uni­ver­sity, St. Louis, USA

Dr. Mary Markiewicz, Wash­ing­ton Uni­ver­sity, St. Louis, USA

Dr. Adrian Hay­day, King’s Col­lege /​Lon­don Research Insti­tute /​Cancer Research, Lon­don, UK

Dr. Livija Deban, Lon­don Research Insti­tute /​Can­cer Research, Lon­don, UK

Dr. Jose Guevara-​Patino, Loy­ola Uni­ver­sity, Chick­ago, USA

Dr. Andreas Diefen­bach, Uni­ver­sity of Freiburg, Germany

Dr. Klaus Rajew­sky, MDC, Berlin, Germany

Dr. Thomas Wun­der­lich, Insti­tute for Genetics/​MPI for Neu­ro­bi­ol­ogy, Cologne, Germany

Dr. Jens Brũn­ing, Insti­tute for Genet­ics /​MPI for Neu­ro­bi­ol­ogy, Cologne, Germany