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  2. Wensveen FM, Valen­tić S., Šes­tan M., Turk Wensveen T., Polić B. (2015) The “Big Bang” in obese fat: Events ini­ti­at­ing obe­sityinduced adi­pose tis­sue inflam­ma­tion. Eur J Immunol 45 (9), 24462456

  3. Wensveen FM, Valen­tić S., Šes­tan M., Turk Wensveen T., Polić B. (2015) Inter­ac­tions between adi­pose tis­sue and the immune sys­tem in health and mal­nu­tri­tion. Semin Immunol (in press)

  4. Valen­tić S., Wensveen FM, Polić B. (2015) Iso­la­tion of Lym­pho­cytes from Vis­ceral Adi­pose Tis­sue. Bio-​protocol (in press)

  5. Šes­tan M., Wensveen FM, Polić B. (2015) Exci­sion of Vis­ceral Adi­pose Tis­sue from Live Mice. Bio-​protocol (in press)