Meet­ings and Presentations

Con­fer­ence „Inflam­ma­tion — Bon­fire from Within“, Weiz­mann Insti­tute of Sci­ence, Rehovot, Israel, Novem­ber 23rd24th 2015

Oral pre­sen­ta­tion
„Immune sens­ing of fat tis­sue: The role of NK cells in ini­ti­a­tion of the vis­ceral adi­pose tis­sue inflammation“

18th Inter­na­tional School of Immunol­ogy FEBS Advanced Lec­ture Course, Rabac, Croa­tia, Sep­tem­ber 12th-​19th 2015

Oral pre­sen­ta­tion:

Immune sens­ing of fat tissue

Poster pre­sen­ta­tion:

The role of γδ T cells in dia­betes mel­li­tus type 2


Cytomegalovirus infec­tion enhances devel­op­ment of dia­betes mel­li­tus type 2

The 4th Euro­pean Con­gress of Immunol­ogy, Vienna, Aus­tria, Sep­tem­ber 6th-​10th 2015

Oral pre­sen­ta­tion:

Immune sens­ing of fat tissue

Poster pre­sen­ta­tion

Cytomegalovirus infec­tion enhances devel­op­ment of dia­betes mel­li­tus type 2

3rd Bel­grade EFIS Sym­po­sium on Immunoreg­u­la­tion: Immu­nity, Infec­tion, Autoim­mu­nity and Aging. Arand­jelo­vac (Bel­grade), Ser­bia, May 24th27th 2015

Oral and poster pre­sen­ta­tion
NK cells link obesity-​induced adi­pose stress to inflam­ma­tion and insulin resis­tance


Cytomegalovirus infec­tion enhances devel­op­ment of dia­betes mel­li­tus type 2

The 76th Days of Dia­betol­o­gists, Pula, Croa­tia, May 7th 2015

Oral and poster presentation:

CD56Bright NK cells are enriched in adi­pose tis­sue and may con­tribute to local obesity-​induced inflammation

The 22nd Euro­pean Con­gress on Obe­sity, May 6th9th 2015, Prague, Czech Republic

Poster pre­sen­ta­tion:

CD56Bright NK cells are enriched in adi­pose tis­sue and may con­tribute to local obesity-​induced inflammation

15th Meet­ing of the Soci­ety for Nat­ural Immu­nity (NK2015), Mon­te­bello, Canada, May 2nd6th 2015

Oral and poster pre­sen­ta­tion
NK cells link obesity-​induced adi­pose stress to inflam­ma­tion and insulin resis­tance

School on Immunol­ogy, Ethal, Ger­many, March 8th13th 2015

Oral and poster presentation:

Cytomegalovirus infec­tion enhances devel­op­ment of dia­betes mel­li­tus type 2

NVVI Annual Con­gress, Kaat­sheuvel, The Nether­lands, Decem­ber 17th-​19th 2014,

Oral and poster pre­sen­ta­tion
NK cells link obesity-​induced adi­pose stress to inflam­ma­tion and insulin resis­tance

EAGEN Course Obe­sity – meta­bolic and nutri­tional prob­lem in West­ern and East­ern Europe, Opatija, Hrvatska, Octo­ber 25th-​26th 2014

Oral and poster pre­sen­ta­tion
Obe­sity– an inflam­ma­tory dis­ease

Annual Meet­ing Of The Croa­t­ian Immuno­log­i­cal Soci­ety, Krk, Croa­tia, Octo­ber 17th-​18th 2014

Oral and poster presentation:

NK cells link obesity-​induced adi­pose stress to inflam­ma­tion and insulin resis­tance

The Inter­play of Bio­mol­e­cules, HDBMB 2014, Zadar, Croa­tia, Sep­tem­ber 24th-​27th 2014

Oral pre­sen­ta­tion
NK cells link obesity-​induced adi­pose stress to inflam­ma­tion and insulin resis­tance

Insti­tute Pas­teur, Paris, France, May 16, 2014, Host: prof​.dr​.sc. Jim Di Santo

Invited lec­ture:
NK cells link obesity-​induced adi­pose stress to inflam­ma­tion and insulin resistance

Croa­t­ian obe­sity con­gress with inter­na­tional par­tic­i­pa­tion, Šibenik, Croa­tia, May 911, 2014

Oral pre­sen­ta­tion:

Biol­ogy of fat tis­sue and the immune system

OBE­SITY: Pub­lic Health Prob­lem and Med­ical Chal­lenge– 2nd Sym­po­sium of The Croa­t­ian Acad­emy of Sci­ences And Arts and The Depart­ment of Clin­i­cal and Trans­plan­ta­tion Immunol­ogy and Mol­e­c­u­lar Med­i­cine in Rijeka

Oral pre­sen­ta­tion: Immuno­log­i­cal Mech­a­nisms of Vis­ceral Adi­pose Tis­sue Inflam­ma­tion as a Base for Type 2 Dia­betes Devel­op­ment and its Clin­i­cal Complications

VIII World Immune Reg­u­la­tion Meet­ing, Davos, Switzer­land, March 19th22nd 2014.

Poster pre­sen­ta­tion:

Type 1 Innate Lym­phoid Cells link obesity-​induced adi­pose stress to inflam­ma­tion and insulin resistance”

Felix M Wensveen1, Vedrana Jelenčić1, Tamara Turk Wensveen2, Sebas­t­ian Theurich3, Davor Men­drila2, Davor Šti­mac2, F. Thomas Wun­der­lich3, Jens C Brün­ing3, Ofer Man­del­boim4, Bojan Polić1