Com­par­i­son of num­ber and phe­no­type of leuko­cytes in VAT of obese and obese dia­betic human patients

  • Ispis

To answer research objec­tive 3, we are col­lab­o­rat­ing with the depart­ments of surgery and endocrinol­ogy at CHC for the analy­sis of immune cells in human VAT. Var­i­ous mouse stud­ies have shown that immune cells in periph­eral blood are not rep­re­sen­ta­tive of immune cells in vis­ceral fat of glu­cose intol­er­ant animals.

In humans there have been very few stud­ies that specif­i­cally inves­ti­gate immune cells in VAT, because there is usu­ally no med­ical rea­son to extract this tis­sue from dia­betes patients.

In this study, VAT will be obtained from obese (BMI>30) patients that are sched­uled to undergo elec­tive chole­cys­tec­tomy. An oral GTT will be per­formed to deter­mine whether and to what extent patients are dia­betic. Addi­tional patholo­gies will be mea­sured to deter­mine DM2 dis­ease pro­gres­sion. From VAT-​samples, we will deter­mine immune cell num­bers and phenotype.